us how you entered the film industry?
always wanted to be a part of the film industry. I went to Chennai
on this mission in 1989. I worked for a film called Rowdyism,
which was stalled after 10 days of shooting. I then joined Ram
Gopal Varma as a co director for Anaganaga Oka Roju. Later
I started my profession as a writer for [Krishna] Vamsi's film
Sindhuram and also worked with him for Murari. During
the making of Murari I was in touch with Mahesh Babu and
that lead to the film Bobby.
us about Bobby?
basically a love story. When I got a go-ahead from Mahesh, I watched
all his films and found that one slot was empty. Mahesh has not
acted in a complete love story so far. That's when I prepared
the story for Bobby to fill that slot.
strongly feel that prema (love), korika (desire)
and istam (liking) are not three different feelings. These
three feelings are interlaced together. A love that does not contain
korika and istam is only possible with God. We, human being, always
want something in return from the ones we love.
Bobby deals with that kind of love that has korika and
istam. The characters in this film have strong beliefs
(Nammakaalu). We have strong beliefs as kids. But as we
grow up, our experience and maturity dilutes the firmness in a
few beliefs and contaminates our mind.
devised the whole story as per the strengths of Mahesh. This is
a film with an 'attitude'.
you come across any tense moments during this period?
had tense moments not just now [working as a director] but also
when I worked as an assistant director, co-director and writer.
It's all a part and parcel of life and this profession. I am very
comfortable with Bobby film. I just feel that its an extension
of Murari.
did you change the heroine from Tara Sharma to Arti Agarwal?
that out, I think, will lead to unnecessary controversies.
interviews are not spicy without controversies. Tell us what exactly
Sharma is still my heroine for Bobby. But, what matters for the
filmmakers apart from talent is the present market conditions.
At the end of the day, I need producer's cooperation to get my
work done. The producer cannot give me the luxury of a paid holiday
by leaving everything to my wishes. I still prefer Tara Sharma
for the role of the heroine. But, I go by majority and what the
producer says. I am comfortable with Arti Agarwal. She did a good
and half crores are being spent on this film. You are the man
who can make this film a hit and Mahesh Babu's fans are eagerly
waiting for this film to become a blockbuster. What do you have
to say about this?
believe in one thing. I can't live up to someone else's expectations.
I can only live my life. I can do things only I am capable of.
I am not worried about brickbats or applause I would get if the
film becomes a flop or hit. I am here to do my job and I am doing
it to the fullest of my satisfaction. That's what matters to me.
got drained myself the moment I prepared the story. All my creative
energies were exhausted. I did not have the capacity to design
the entire project. Then I was put into a simple harmonic motion.
If you were in it, you would just follow the motion. Likewise,
once the story is made, the story led me to do the rest of the
stuff as per its demands.
is a rumor that the climax is tragedy-oriented and some others
say it's a happy ending. Which one is correct?
am paid by the producers for not revealing the story (giggles).
I am being paid for arousing the curiosity among the public to
know what my film is all about. Hence I would not be interested
in telling anything about the climax.
us about the song (Vaa Vaa) that is being canned now?
a mono color song. We are using four mono color sets (silver,
brick, blue and green) to can this song. I cannot say that it's
being done for the first time. I am adapting the thing that is
already done by somebody else. This song is the first duet after
interval in the film. I believe in adapting right ideas for right
are the choreographers for this film?
is doing this song ['Vaa Vaa']. Raja Sekhar did one song.
Harish Pai did one song and the remaining three songs are done
by Nikki (a new choreographer).
did this movie take so much time to complete?
made the announcement of the project in March 2001. But later
we realized that we couldn't confirm the starting date as it depended
on how soon Mahesh Babu's film in progress (Takkari Donga)
at that time completed. By publicizing about the film, we can't
sustain the viewer's interest for more than two months. As the
film kept on getting postponed to this year, we thought that we
should keep the film in low profile and give publicity just before
the release.
must have seen the rushes. Is it up to your expectations?
it be up to the expectations of the public?
can't really guess what the public wants. All I can say is that
I have aimed Bobby for a regular moviegoer who is looking for
3 hours of good quality entertainment.
did you decide on the hairstyle of Mahesh Babu for Bobby?
is a small flashback for this one. You must have seen the scene
of Mahesh Babu in Murari when he comes out of water in
a fight. That still was extensively used in the publicity of Murari.
I liked that hairstyle of Mahesh in that water scene. Hence I
thought I should use that hairstyle for Bobby and everybody appreciated
it. Previously he used to look like a boy. Now with this hairstyle,
he is looking like a man. That is not a remark, but that's just
my opinion.
of things have been said about the 'Youth Joint' set for Bobby?
What is it all about?
a meeting place. Lovers used to meet in the backyards in villages
at one point of time. Now in urbane places, lovers meet in posh
areas like Barista, Coffee Shop, Treasure Island etc. I have a
few meeting scenes between lovers. We have erected a futuristic
set that serves as a meeting place between the lead pair of Bobby.
There is always a sweet scent about lovers meeting for the first
time and when the viewers see these scenes they connect them to
their own experiences.
message for idlebrain.com visitors?
is nothing but telling a given subject for a given situation on
the screen. How effectively you tell it, is solely based on your
passion. Direction is my passion and I am living in it. I am not
a national hero to give any message. I am just a normal human