Step into his house, and like that scene in Shankarabharanam the whole place reverberates with music. While you climb into the first floor, you see Uday Kiran boxing away his blues. It's difficult to understand this man and his mood swings and only when you get comfy with him and pin him down for a serious chat that he crackles. The news that Poi has been put off has come as a setback and Uday has to wait a bit more. The actor is unfazed and he says, "I perfectly understand because Chennai comes alive during election season and nothing else apart from politics has place in the newspapers and lives of the people. And for that matter I have nothing to lose. Insecurity comes when you are happy and successful. I am on a low right now but I'm definitely not out."
There are some people who can turn their vulnerability into their security just by adding one ingredient....a dash of honesty. His self deprecating humour, the ability to laugh at himself and his endearing statement that, "no one can determine my self respect and self worth but me", has zillion takers just not me. Realising you are talking 'to a sensitive guy, you change the topic. Has he become fluent in Tamil during the shoot of poi? "Actually my first ever interview is appearing on Jaya TV on the Tamil new year day and I'm smsing my friends to watch it. My Tamil was pathetic and I asked for so many retakes." So how has managed to keep his sanity intact, just music, yoga and kick boxing? "I would be crazy to say that i have been keeping my fingers crossed waiting for good offers. Four years is a long time since my last noteworthy film Sriram. I'm not a party animal but at the same time there was no desperation either. I agree I had done some B grade films but what ever film I have done has its own standard. I am happy that when I wake up in the morning and see myself in the mirror I know for sure there hasn't been a single penny that has come as a favour."
Uday doesn't make any startling declarations however he prods you in gentle ways to notice his worth. True he has given some electrifying performances and his passion is evident in his work but has he pinned all his hopes on Poi? "In the past I had made some absolute crappy statements that this film is going to be a hit and I have begun my second innings. I'm balanced enough now to hope that the film will do well and at the same time careful that I don't repeat my mistakes. I have gone around in Chennai as a newcommer to various productions offices with my CD's asking for work and it's just that I'm basking in the moment of glory when director Balachander offered me this role." Well, time has taken away Uday from the spotlight, but all the important question is, will he be on centrestage once the lights come on again?
- Y Sunita Chowdhary
T Gopichand (Hero)
Kalyan Ram Nandamuri (Hero)
Lawrence (Director)
Siva Kumar (Director)
Venkat Kuchipudi
Rasool Ellore (Cinematographer & Director)
Raju Sundaram
SS Rajamouli (Director)
Sameer Reddy (Cinematographer)
Marthand K Venkatesh
Sayaji Shinde (Villain)
Shashank (Hero)
Gangaraju Gunnam
Meghana Naidu
Venkatesh (Hero)