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Open Letter to Pawan Kalyan
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An Ode to Pawan Kalyan

Dear Mr. Pawan Kalyan,

I am medical student out here in the US, born and brought up here but of course my parents are Telugu. I'm a total film nut obsessed with the classics by Kurasawa, Fellini and Scorsese but never really cared for telugu movies except for those early ones by your brother Chiranjeevi and now, by you.

I have to say that both of you bought a new dimension to Telugu films, a sense of machoness like Robert De Niro and a sense of passion for film. It's good to see a rugged sex appeal, and independence of character, that is backed up by your personality compared to most other Indian actors, where the ruggedness and masculinity is just an illusion created by the director- a pawn of the dynasties. More so, the story, the direction, the music just adds to YOU- the dawn of the "independent man", a real "hero". Like what Napoleon, a self made man with a vision, did to the French aristocracy. And of course just like what Khaidi did in '83- it heralded the era of a superstar, Chiranjeevi.

It looks like your team puts plenty of effort into each scene, working on continuity, character development, story development and music. Each scene is as beautiful as an intricate stitch made by a surgeon... the passion shines through. It's more than I can say about a lot of other contemporary films... why does it seem like most telugu producers/directors think that by putting their kin, a few songs together, and a few shakes of the heroines hips is enough to make a movie?

From Gokulumlo Seetha to Kushi, your movies are exceptional. Each of your characters is so unique, the music is so novel and the story is so different, so on the edge- testing Telugu prudishness. Your characters show that it's okay to do what you think, as long as you do what's right by your heart, not by what others tell you. I hope telugu youth learn a lot from you.

Well the last thing that i want to say is that your interest in AIKIDO is awesome. I myself have been doing AIKIDO for 5 years and owe a lot to it. Hopefully your influence will cause a lot of Telugu youths to venture into areas that have not been okayed by mommy and daddy. Giving them the strength and the courage to take their destiny into their own hands...

It's rumored that you are a hard man to deal with but to be a genius is one thing, but to have people who have the capability of recognizing that genius is another. I'm sure not many understand you... I completely look forward to your next film..

And just a thought if you get a chance you should check out Wang Kar Wai's "Fallen Angels" and guy ritchie's films, I'm sure they will seed plenty of ideas in your mind...

A sincere admirer,



Other Open Letters

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-> Nagarjuna meets idlebrain openletter writer Raju
-> From Ajay Kumar Reddy to Chiranjeevi
-> From Chandrika to idlebrain community
-> From Raju to Nagarjuna
-> From Bharat to Chiranjeevi
-> From Srinivas Josyula to Chiranjeevi

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