is an orphan who is working as an engineer in ONGC.
He happens to visit a location of ONGC, which is situated
in a village. On his way to that village, he meets a
cute girl Bhuvana (Renuka Menon) in the train. He gets
impressed with her. She also holds a very good opinion
on him.
is the part of a big joint family. And her father is
a kind-hearted guy, who is also a big landlord. Bhuvana's
father asks Kiran if he is willing to marry his daughter
Bhuvana. Kiran happily accepts the proposal. It turns
out to be the mistake of identities. Bhuvana's father
apologizes for the mistake and informs Kiran that marriage
is not going to happen.
is also learnt that the elder daughter (Preeti Jingania)
in the family dies because of the negligence by her
husband (JD Chakravarthy). The entire family hates him.
Kiran comes to know about it. He unites the family and
in turns wins the hearts of everybody.
Akash donned his career best role in this film. He suited
his character to the tee. Probably Seenu Vytla knows
how to use Akash better than any other director. Akash
is completely at home playing this character. He wins
the sympathies of everybody with his cool attitude and
too-good-to-believe portrayal.
Chakravarthy: He is Ok for his role. He seems to
have shed lots of weight. He is terrific in the scene
where he starts telling his flashback.
Renuka Menon looks very homely. And her characterization
also suits her looks. She is treated very delicately.
She has tender face and it adds innocence to her looks.
Preeti Jingania looks extremely good in this film. Her
mannerisms and expressions are of top class.
This film has heavy casting because of the joint family.
Devan is fair as family
head. Venu Madhav has got
a full-length role and he created lots of comedy. The
comedy scene where he is taken to jathara is hilarious.
The comedy scenes involving Sunil
and the cute kid ('naa heart lo torra' kid from Panchatantram)
are extremely good. MS Narayana
as theater owner with a dialogue - '14 villages, 60
thousand people, single theater, only owner' - is too
good. Kondavalasa as bar
shop owner makes his presence felt. Sudhakar
is Ok in his comedy role. Dharmavarapu
Subramanyam mannerisms resemble that of drag
Story of the film throngs on 'feel-good' factor. The
mistaken identity concept seems to have got inspired
by 'Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon' which in turn is a remake
of golden oldie 'Chitchor'. The thread of father-in-law
having misunderstanding with son-in-law over daughter's
death is similar to that of Santosham film.
- direction: The main asset of Seenu Vytla is his
clear understanding of how comedy works. Wherever there
is a comedy scene in the film, he made sure that it
clicked. His portrayal of emotions and human relations
is also praiseworthy. The screenplay of the film is
Ok and direction is good. But he failed in narrating
two important things in the film. 1st point is lack
of individualism to heroine character. She behaves like
a remote controlled device instead of following her
heart. The second point is ineffective narration of
the flashback. The scene, which led to the death of
Preeti, is not convincing enough to justify the rivalry
between the family and JD.
departments: Dialogues by Diwakar
Babu are perfect with nice humor and sentiment
sprinkled into it. Photography by Ajay
Vincent is good. He exploited greenery a lot.
Music is the weak point of the film. None of the songs
by Koti in the film are
exciting enough except for title track. Production values
are rich.
This film is a typical feel-good movie. The strength
of the film is comedy and weakness is the music. The
flashback is not convincing enough. Over all it's not
a bad film. You can watch it once at your leisure. If
the producer promotes it well, Anandamanandamaye has
all chances to become a profitable venture.