(Taraka Rathna) is a youngster and also a 'chekka bhajana'
performer in Bhadrachalam. When his grandmother forces
him to get married, he falls in love with a 'chekka
bhajana' learner Seeta (Radhika) and marries her. Immediately
after the marriage, Seeta gives a slip to Ramudu and
returns to her homeland Germany.
real reason for Seeta's act is due to an advice from
her astrologer. He said that her first marriage would
not work out. Her marriage is fixed with her bava Ravi
and she loves him too. But she does not want any complications
in her marital life. Hence she marries Ramudu at Bhadrachalam
and ditches him to go back to Germany and marry Ravi
so that her second marriage would be fruitful.
rest of the story is all about how Ramudu with his chekkalu
and Lord Rama's vermillion (kunkuma) fly to Germany
to fight his aunt Jagadamba (Vani Sri) and bring back
her daughter and his wife Seeta.
Rathna improved a lot as an actor. His histrionics
in pathos scenes are pretty mature. He had a village
get-up in this film. Heroine Radhika
is average. Vani Sri is
highly obese and she did not do justice to her role
in terms of appearance and dubbing. KR
Vijaya did the role of hero's grandmother. Posani
Krishna Murali did the role of comic oriented
Pakistan-based cabbie. Chalapati
Rao and Sudhakar
are adequate in their roles.
Story of a film is a typical story happens between
village-smart boy and western-haughty girl with a aunt-challenge
backdrop to it. It has certain shades of story of 'Alluda
Majaka'. Posani Krishna Murali provided story for Alluda
Majaka as well.
- direction: Director Suresh Krishna disappoints
the movie lovers with his work. The screenplay is completely
predictable. Direction is mediocre. There is no touch
of Suresh Krishna in this film. He should have paid
some attention to certain scenes which shown German
Cops in bad light. Here is one example ...
German cops beat up hero badly on the behest of Vani
Sri. When cops report their officer that hero is dead,
that officer tests the same by pressing a burning cigarette
on the neck of hero. When hero does not respond, the
officer declares that hero is dead and commands the
cops to throw the body into ocean.
departments: Music by Sri is good. 'Ram Bhajana'
song appears in different formats/compositions in this
film. Photography is Pratap is OK. Dialogues by Posani
Krishna Murali are average. Fights by Raju are OK. The
producer made this film on a big budget.
First half of the film is boring. Second half is slightly
better, though lengthy. The excessive usage of NTR's
photo in the first half and unnecessary references to
Vamsam sounds clichéd. The backdrop of Germany
in the entire second half makes people feel out of place.
We have to wait and see if the 4th film of Taraka Rathna
gives him the much awaited break or not.
Ramudu links: