Achi Babu (Allari Naresh), Sathi Babu (Sunil) and Suri Babu
(Prabhudeva) are the best buddies since childhood. They form
a band that does multi purpose jobs like acting as band of
boys for marriages, professional catchers of dogs, and cremation
service guys. Karate Malliswari (Gajala), another childhood
nightmarish karate-skill-flaunting damsel, lures Achi Babu
into love. Then she snatches Achi Babu away from Suri Babu
and Sathi Babu to make him her live-in boy friend. They also
get engaged to each other. Irritated by their act, Suri Babu
and Sathi Babu kidnap Malliswari. They tie her to a chair
and then hatch another plan to make Achi Babu believe that
Malliswari is dead. In that process, they dig a 'fresh' dead
body from a crematorium, pack her in the car of Malliswari
and throw that car into a valley. Police confirms that Malliswari
is dead and Achi Babu's heart breaks again. Then appears Venkata
Lakshmi (Anitha), the childhood sweetheart of Achi Babu. Venkata
Lakshmi has another flashback and she was sexually abused
by the husband of her elder sister. She was in a hurry to
join an Ashram run by Matasri (Shakeela). Sathi Babu and Suri
Babu hatch another plan to unite this couple. At this moment,
Malliswari escapes from the den. The rest of the story is
all about how these confused souls are paired to give a happy
Naresh: Naresh looks good in scenes where he generates
comedy by his idiotic acts and stupid dialogues. But his face
does not suit well for serious scenes. Being the son of the
director EVV, he managed to get major share in terms of scenes
and songs (4 duets for him - 2 each with Gajala and Anitha).
Sunil delivered his best as usual. He should have got more
footage in this film.
Prabhudeva suited the role pretty well and did his best with
in his limitations. He got a steamy song with Gajala.
Gajala got a pretty interesting role in this film. She is
extremely glamorous in looks department and pretty spontaneous
in comedy scenes. She did well in those couple of scenes in
which she seduces Prabhudeva and Sunil after they kidnap her.
cast: Anitha got a pretty small role in this film. Shakeela
got a holy role of 'Matasri', who runs an ashram for women.
She is surrounded with men-starving nuns who are called as
Kameswari, Ranganayaki, Chintamani etc. Her role is a hit
though it has dialogue-vulgarity attached to it. Brahmanandam
did dual role as bamma and manavadu in this
film. The bamma role too has little bit of vulgarity.
MS Narayana and Chalapati Rao acted as 'Bongu brothers', who
own a corporate office for doing crimes like murder, kidnap
etc. Other comedy artists like LB Sriram, AVS, Jaya Prakash
Reddy, Lakshmipati also fit in cameo roles.
Basic line of this story is heavily inspired by 2001
Hollywood flick 'Saving
Silverman'. Following are the similarities
Three heroes, who are childhood buddies, run a band.
2. A girl snatches the main guy away from this gang.
3. Remaining two guys kidnap that girl.
4. Then these guys show an alibi to the main guy that his
lover is dead
5. Then another girl, a childhood friend of the hero, appears
and plans to get trained to become a nun.
6. Then the main heroine escapes
EVV added a lot of cushioning with comedy actors and inserted
five separate comedy tracks.
Screenplay - direction: EVV's timing in comedy scenes
is good. However, he tried to focus more on Naresh's character
and ignored giving equal importance to other two characters.
The climax of the film is really good and it reminds us of
the climax of 'Appula Apparao' where the venue is a
marriage hall and the theme is dancing to spoof songs. But
EVV failed on the nativity front for the film. There are lots
of illogical backgrounds in this film. We don't get to see
professional crematory service organizations in AP (though
there exists a few crematory service organizations in Christian
dominated areas in metropolis like Mumbai). The heroes, who
are middle-class guys, are frequent visitors to a posh pub.
There is no live-in (boy friend or girl friend) culture in
Hyderabad yet. This film is branded as an out and out comedy
flick. Hence we should not expect any logic in the narration
of the film.
Music by Devi Sri Prasad is an asset to the film. His background
music also goes well with the comedy vein.
All the four duet songs in this film are shot in luster locales
of abroad. Choreography, music and photography is pretty good
for these songs. But only negative point about these songs
is that they don't fit well into a comedy film like this.
Comedy dialogues by Satish are pretty good though they crossed
the line of sensibility in a few scenes towards climax.
Loknath, of Allari fame, has done excellent job in this film.
He gave a rich look to each and every frame of the film.
EVV Satyanarayana should be commended for his risky effort
to put in so much of money for a comedy film. The production
values of EVV cinema banner are very good.
First half of the film gives entertainment. Then there is
slack in the second half and it picks up towards the end and
the film concludes in a happy climax. EVV tried to insert
the serious-angle towards the love relationship of Naresh-Gajala-Anitha.
In a comedy film, nobody really appreciates the hero turning
sincere all of a sudden in a frame and starts uttering sincere
love eulogies. In the next frame, you could see the same hero
acting funny. There is lot of confusion in the characterization
of 'Achi Babu'. If you leave the logic to winds and enjoy
the comedy served on a platter by comedy artists and comedy
heroes, you (comedy lovers) can definitely watch this film
once - though you are confronted with dull scenes, boring
moments and clichéd-dialogues in between. Over all
it's an average film aimed at comedy-movie-lovers.
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