Director Murali Raju appears to be quite ambitious and wishes
to do something different. The end result however is a confused
product. None of the characters stick to a particular line
of action and the scenes change abruptly.
camera moves arbitrarily and the film makes one feel the shots
are taken at random and that efforts were later made to set
them in order. There are helicopters, planes flying across
the sky like you see in the air shows and trees capes. One
also finds weird looking characters jumping into scenes aimlessly.
(Mukesh) is said to be born to a rich couple who die in a
plane crash. Though he is affluent he wants to make a living
on his own and get recognition in the world of music.
A Mafia story develops in a separate track. It is the story
of a Pandu and his archrival Neelam.
is a mysterious character that is annihilating gangs. The
only guide to identify him is the statement given by some
that he wears black and carries a gun in a guitar box. For
Pandu's men singer Kartik is an easy suspect and target, as
he wears black and carries a guitar box.
A young girl Nithya (Kanishka) is given the job of discovering
who this young man really is-whether he is a murderer or a
musician. She falls in love with Kartik after she discovers
that her former boyfriend has ditched her. There is some suspense
towards the end. For music composer Sasi Preetham, old Hindi
and Telugu records have come in handy as most of the sound
track carries these songs originally scored by Sasi.
Mukesh as Kartik and Kanishka (as Nitya) are the worst hit
looking blankly into each other's face.
The Hindu