
A Masterpiece teaser is a concoction of fantasy, sci-fi and drama

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7 June 2024

The trailer of Arvind Krishna-fronted A Masterpiece, with age-old battle of good versus evil, intriguing visuals and spectacular effects, was released by the makers at an event in Hyderabad on Friday.

Over two minutes long, the trailer opens with a sage asking his disciples whether they’ve heard about a monster king called Hiranya Kashyap. We later get to a stunning image of a waterfall, soon shifting to a frame of a palatial house. The sage goes on: “For your dreams to be fulfilled, you should stop dreaming in your sleep.” While the director doesn’t give much in terms of the plot as he employs fast cuts to show someone who is locked in a prison, he, however, introduces us to the demonic Raghuram (Manish Gilada), the antagonist, who is blessed with superpowers. He has a woman assistant who too has superpowers. Together, they will eliminate anyone who comes in their way. Then enters our protagonist (Arvind) who runs at the speed of a light. The trailer is also dotted with the visuals of a teen who emits fire from his hand. In the end, it seems we would witness a few fantasy-adventure staple elements such as good vs evil through the battle between the hero and the villain, and love and hope.

In conclusion, the trailer, a cauldron of love, light and superpowers, looks promising and will definitely leave you wanting for more. Set in a modern world, it seems to be inspired by concepts and tales from Indian history with elements of fantasy, scientific fiction and drama.

Co-starring Ashu Reddy, Sneha Gupta, Jaya Prakash, Jyothi Poorvaj and Archana Ananth, A Masterpiece is written and directed by Suku Poorvaj, while Srikanth Kandragula is the producer.

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