July 2005


While every one in town is analyzing Aparichitudu, here is
my jab at it.
message Shankar TRIED to convey in Aparichitudu : -be a good
citizen and Samaritan.
is significantly different from
- Gentleman
(Robin hood for education root was Corruption in education
system) ;
- Bharatheeyudu/Indian
(Corruption at all levels RTO backdrop)
- Oke
Okkadu/ Mudhalvan ( Bad Selfish Leadership Political backdrop
root is Corruption in Politics)
In fact, his earlier 3 had some amount of resemblance between
them in the subject, in the sense that all dealt with some
form of corruption. But they were told in a convincing way
with some very powerful scenes. And public loved them because
we always like movies that blame cops, government and politicians
(even for the wrong that WE do).
in Aparichitudu , he tried to do something significantly different.
Though the acting was great and the movie was technically
sound, this movie didn't come out very powerful like his earlier
ones and I'm sure many feel this way.
message should have been more refined: Be a decent citizen
by doing at least things that are 100% controllable by you
as a person. i.e. No scope for blaming on politicians, government
or society.
is my view of why I felt it was not very powerful and convincing.
problem in Aparichitudu Story and screenplay: The message
was not clearly visioned and conveyed. I think the Garuda
Puranam drove his script. He probably picked the different
killings first and then tried to stitch a script around that.
While his research about the Puranam was interesting and a
highlight of the film, I'm afraid, that caused the script
to become weak and less powerful. Also, his core person Ramanujam
is a lawyer - a lawyer in India is far different from general
public. He knows rules to try and handle cops and government
officials, but common man doesn't. That makes it difficult
for public to identify with his feelings.
us analyze the scenes he showed:
taking the injured man in a NEW Car: This is a disaster
in his script. There is a difference between being human and
being noble. When trying to improve the society, the first
step is to try and be human not noble. 99 out of 100 will
not stop their car, not to mention new car in this case, in
that situation (given the implications of common mans fear
of police and court). Maybe 1 noble person would. To expect
everyone to be noble is not feasible. So the reason to kill
him is not one bit convincing for an ordinary man.
Supplier: This was not very good either. But at least
here he threw a lizard into the curry, to convince us that
he deserved to be killed. But in reality, Aparichitudu doesn't
know about the lizard. All he hates is the fact the he is
providing sub-standard food for the price he charges. While
it is wrong to cheat by supplying inferior food, the reason
I feel that this is not convincing is because, his price is
most likely driven by the bribe he has to pay the Railways,
etc .. to get the supplier contract i.e. he has a finger to
point to and justify the bad he is doing. This is the case
with most things in our society were the corruption system
has become a common thing that we live with and do not feel
guilty.(He already dealt very well about that in Indian.)
purchasing Land: Same as above.
Money: Always the get away reason is - why pay taxes for
the gov that does nothing for me.
registration: black money + partly to compensate for bribes
she has to pay at the registrar's office.
wire manufacturer: Not very convincing. He didnt show
him go to the Dealer to get original spares. He showed him
go to some local store to buy cheap product so that lost the
impact. Personally, this situation itself is not convincing,
but it would have been better if he at least showed him go
to an authorized dealer and get an OEM part that snapped on
him. The intention that people should not manufacture bad
products especially when it has life threatening implications
is good, but doesn't sell well with the subject he is trying
to convey here. Also, to repeat again, the manufacture has
to pay x,y,z bribes to set up the unit, etc leading him to
make up those costs by making substandard product, like the
food supplier.
situations basically spoilt the theme of the movie and got
lukewarm reception.
Things that came across well - accepted and appreciated are
on the road.
Disobeying traffic rules.
Charlies laziness.
It would have been more powerful and convincing if he showed
only situations that are clearly controllable by an individual
(self- control):
situations should have been something in these lines:
on the road: (100% attributed to the individual difficult
to blame x,y,z).
Sticking Bubble gum under the classroom desk and theatre seats:
Could show a student sticking a bubble gum under the desk
and punished him. This is a very common action that is totally
controllable by one-self.
Throwing garbage carelessly: I would have loved it
if he showed Vikram killing someone landing in Madras from
US/Singapore and then opening up a cigratte packet and throwing
a wrapper down on the airport floor. Or a person dumping garbage
over their compound wall into barren land instead of dumping
it in the municipal dumpster at the end of the street.
Traffic rules: This is an excellent area. He touched on
it. He could have gone more into it and showed killing of
a person here for disobeying. No reason why a person should
skip red, go into the opposite lane, drive without proper
papers, or proper vehicle. If we do that, then that gives
a lesser chance for cop to expect a bribe and this is really
a first step towards improving society.
driving without license: This would have been very powerful.
People give a damn to age eligibility for driving. Everyone
in our country including you and me start to drive under-age
without license. Though there are rules on what kind you can
drive at what age (like you can drive <50 cc vehicles from
15 I think, and need to be 18 to drive cars, etc..) we dont
respect them. But we follow it religiously in foreign countries.
These are the kind of things I expected Shankar to show. He
should have killed the Dad (and may be the son too) who bought
a bike for his under-age son. Who else can you blame for this
act that endangers others lives on the road?
he showed such situations, the movie would have been even
more powerful and convincing and we would not have got the
feel of deja-vu from his earlier films.
Still, Aparichitudu is a well made movie by master director
My Movie experiences:
- Aparichitudu
Hazaraon Kwaishein Aisi
Shyam - Black
Sai - Anand
Rohit - Anand & Veer Zaara
Jaya Prakash - 7GBC
Raj - Anand
Purnesh - Anand
Purnesh - The Village
Sriram - Gudumba Shankar
Purnesh - Gharshana
Purnesh - Lakshya
Purnesh - Yuva
Leenesh - Yuva
Kis - Lakshmi Narasimha
Indian Pride - Tagore
Raj - Boys
Phani - Gangotri
Phani - Khadgam
Vikram - CKR
BKR - Indra (Singapore)
Ram - Indra (Dubai)
Ranjeet - Idiot
- Indra
King Koduri - Indra
Srilakshmi Katragadda - Mitr:
My Friend