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Open Letter to Pawan Kalyan
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An open letter to Pawan Kalyan


Pavan - Wish you a many many happy returns of the day: We wish you could have celebrated this b'day with at least a movie this year. But not a problem ..

Being an ardent fan of Chiru we couldn't resist ourselves to closely follow your movies. When I watched first 'Gokaulam Lo Sita'. I felt that "oh..there is lot of difference between you and Chiru on screen presence while uttering dialogues or action. But when it came to fights I am for sure impressed by your free style. I particularly like your movies for being clean, keeping low profile about the movie and your imagination of action sequences and goes so on. We were impressed a lot the way you came out of the image of being Chiru's brother and hence by creating your own brand. Keep it up. My respect kept reaching high one by one.

After taking inspiration from your comments on suggestions "Not only elders, I take advice even from a novice. Let him be anybody, need not even be related to films. If it's apt I will consider it. I will think over about what they said. If there are any changes to be made, I will or I will stick to my path. "Here are few of my suggestions and concerns about your upcoming movies or you can say our expectations on upcoming movies.

We are very much depressed by your slow movie making i.e. one movie in two years? There is a danger of becoming extinct if by chance the movie fails. People will start writing you off. After looking into current trend a 75 percent less actors are getting 200 percent more credits for their works. I can agree that quality matters but imagine a mvoie like "Chiru Navvutho" with you as HERO? It could have been bigger hit with your own style. Please don't carry yourself much by your decision of not accepting some movies. Even though the same movies when done by others are duds like Mounamelanoyi..etc.

I strongly feel that some subjects may go very well with some heroes. As " Like dissolves in like" After listening to some rumors about Johnny here are few of my concerns..

- Don't you think your movie deserves more than 5 songs? Also.. please limit Ramana Gogula to sing maximum of only one song. He is a good composer but a not a very good singer. Audience expect at least 2.30 hour film from you

- Please excuse me for commenting on this but I personally feel just Renu Desai as a heroine won't be sufficient enough to fill a heroines spot in the movie's. I assume you have some surprise for us in at least some songs with some other Chicks or some other character who will be a second fiddle.

- From your point of view Renu must be the best suit. But as common audience I feel she cannot deliver all the punch with her glamour/action. She may be very good behind the screen in movie making.

- Please don't delay this movie shooting/release much as things get older they may not be as fresh as we hope. And also there are lot of copy buffs

- I strongly feel that all of the movies till date were never meant to address mass. Please don't stay away from mass, as that's a big base.

- We strongly feel that your accessibility to listening to the scripts is not as open as other heroes.

Please excuse me if I have taken too much liberty. But one thing for sure 'Who wants to see your talent Being wasted or just limited to one movie per 2 years?"

Once again happy B'day and all the best!!

Anupama Kanugula

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-> From Bharat to Chiranjeevi
-> From Srinivas Josyula to Chiranjeevi

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