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Reply to Openletter of Anil from Chakri
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26th December 2002
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Reply to Openletter of Anil from Chakri

Hi Anil

I appreciate your suggestions to Muslims. Here are my views to your questions.

1: Why some Hindus believe that life of a cow is holier than life of 4 fellow human beings???

Could you please let us know how many times this happened? Once, twice? Everywhere and every day? How frequently it happened? But look at these Muslim terrorists acts every day somewhere they are creating trouble. Is it not? Then tell me why shouldn't I warn my self keep away from these people? Is Dislike is not the first step towards hating? The more I dislike then more I am coming into hate circle. What constitutes normally is majority not minority. Hating Pakistan is nothing to do with patriotism. Hating some one who is torturing your mother is not sin and people don't hate PAk just like that and they are doing that because of what they are doing.

2:Why some Hindus hooligan around cities on Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve etc… beating up young girls and boys partying???

The entire world respects INDIAN culture and there might be some bad things in our culture. What represents culture is the way we live isn't it? Off late we are getting westernized. Of course every culture has it pros and cons. Let me explain this "partying???"

Since you mentioned young girls/Boys I am treating that as 16-23 age groups??

I never heard Indian parents/elders beating up girls/boys for social gathering and in fact I wasn't. I never attended any parties which are exclusive to young girls and boys in India. So I don't know what exactly will goes on there. So according the gathered info partying may consist of

1: smoking / drinking alcohol
2: dancing & knowing each other & may go the extent of kissing each other
3: may be having sex after couple of iterations of partying.

Let's see these things removing American Glasses

As for as 1: is concerned, it requires some money. I guess most of the INDIAN population in INIDA is middle class / poor (I am excluding rich) and on top of that our Girls/boys don't work like American teenagers starting from 16-18. It is going to be extra burden for them for the sake of nothing. Smoking is bad to health and alcohol is too much to handle at that age.

As for as 2: is concerned, it may help you in diverting from what you are aiming at or supposed to do. May be you don't know the effect of scoring single mark less in EAMCET & IIT & for that matter getting failed in a subject.

As for as 3: is concerned, one widow said "BEING IS A GIRL IS BETTER THAN WIDOW". I feel it applies to your boys also. No need to mention about young mothers/couples problems that can't support themselves economically.

Being living in highly populated INDIA where employment opportunities are less and to lead comfortable life you need good education. Can any parents afford their children neglecting education or getting diverted what you are supposed to do?

Isn't it our culture showing a simple way to lead a good life with out facing too much struggle by not allowing us to the above things considering the environment that we are living? Now a days I am seeing more love marriages with parents consent and not insisting on religion, language also if they had settled comfortably. So are we too rigid?

Why the hell I need "Valentine's Day" ? If you express your love on that day it has more intensity or what? Or that day can give you a chance to show your love so intensely? Why do you want to glamorize your love?

So some Hindus hooligan might have felt that these young boys/girls are trying to legalize or getting public acceptance to the culture which is not good for Indian community. Probably they might have feared that we already developed from combined family concept where you will realize the value of living together to individual family concept and may be we will go to "JUST ME "concept where you will forget that you are social animal.

They also might have felt that today young BOYS/GIRLS are trying to adopt "Valentine's Day" which is going to be a step below to "DATING CULTURE" which is already in place in subdued manner and full version Days of It are not for away and they are going to celebrate tomorrow "MOTHERS DAY " and day after tomorrow "FATHERS DAY" and after some time "OLD AGE HOMES" and lastly you will die where you don't have single drop of tear from some one else eye.

3: New Year's Eve etc

You tell me why my New Year's Eve should be Jan on 1st instead of UGADI (for Telugu people some time around UGADI). Is there any reason? I didn't see anything. Why do you want to break the rules or customs if there is no reason behind new version?

4 Why do some Hindus give some outrageous statements (Tagodia et al.) in the name of religion???

What is wrong with TAGODIA statement? Can you explain me that? We are the majority and then ignoring the majority you want Muslims to rule us? Don't think that you are going to have comfortable life once they get upper hand. See history also supporting that fact.


Ya they echoed "VANDE MATARAM" and they got PAKISTAN . They can't sing that with out profit. There is no agenda for Pakistan creation except that Muslims want their part.

5: why shouldn't we generalize if the entire terrorist list just consists of Muslims?

Please remember that you should not allow some one to repeat "BIGGEST MISTAKES" so many times. If you are doing that in the sense you are not capable to correct them. Don't degrade our selves to incapable even though they hurting every time. More than that if you don't correct them they will think that they are right. Enough is enough dudes.

6: Regarding KV's language in the movie they deserved more than that. Aren't they?

Probably he might be not sophisticated like you in words while expressing his anger. We are responsible for our lives not some else. People have the power not kings and dictators any more. If Gandhi & co might have felt they are helpless then imagine our predicament.



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